
Beating Work Burnout with the Power of the Three Cs

Do you feel like you’re on the brink of a work burnout? Are you stuck in the vicious cycle of long hours, stress, unrealistic timelines and mental exhaustion?

Over the past few years, we have started to commonly hear people either burning out or on the brink of one. Burnouts are becoming a widespread workplace phenomenon the world over.

What is Work Burnout?

Burnout is a psychological term used for the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest. Work burnout is a general wearing out from the pressures of work.  It can cause significant emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual damage to people. A recent survey in April 2022 of 32,924 global workers by ADP Research Institute showed that employees worked 8.5 hours of unpaid overtime each week.

How do we avoid work burnout or prevent another burnout from happening? Many times burnout arises from a number of factors, not just one.

On a wider level, lets first focus on the power of the 3 C’s to help you beat burnout.

  1. C – Self Compassion
  2. C -Self Care
  3. C – Connection


As we feel more and more emotionally exhausted and burdened with work related stress, we see ourselves moving towards the road to burnout.  To avoid this, we need to focus on SELF COMPASSION and empathy. Practice self-compassion everyday by treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and empathy when faced with difficulties or mistakes at work. Make sure you help yourself by avoiding the urge to overwork or do overtime, do not self-criticize yourself, but acknowledge how you feel. Be kind and forgiving towards yourself.

Self-compassion is also reflected in recognizing your limits, setting realistic goals for yourself and not beating yourself up about not being able to do everything at work. It also involves taking breaks and relaxing. If you don’t take breaks and recharge, you’re more likely to overwork yourself.


While we’re always concerned about what our co-workers, bosses and managers will say or how they will react, we often forget to take care of ourselves physically, emotionally, and mentally.  Prioritizing work and forgetting to take care of our own selves is becoming very common with the rise in working hours and work from home settings. People more often than not neglect self-care resulting in stress, illness and mental health issues.

SELF CARE is a powerful tool to beating burnout. No matter what, you need to focus on you. And doing that involves prioritizing yourself and your needs. Prioritize your sleep, prioritize healthy eating, prioritize exercise, prioritize meditation, relaxation, taking breaks and setting healthy boundaries at work.


Work stress often causes us to isolate ourselves as we face emotional exhaustion. We feel disconnected from our work environment. But it’s imperative to reach out for support when needed. This support can come in many forms, it can be professional help and counselling, or it can be developing a good connection with co-workers. Fostering positive relationships at work can help you feel more connected and create a sense of belonging. Taking part in team building activities and exercises is another way to CONNECT and engage with others. Hear out and discuss issues through open communication and understanding. Try to understand other’s situations and where they are coming from. By doing so you’re also able to balance and counter your own stress and negative feelings.

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