Motivation and Gratitude

10 Ways to Cultivate Mindful Habits in Your Daily Life

With the hustle and bustle of daily lives, most of us forget to slow down and savor the moment.

Being mindful of our surroundings and making it a point to practice mindful habits in our daily lives is important to alleviate stress and also promote mental clarity. Modern technology and fast paced lives have resulted in lost connections with others and with our surroundings.

In today’s article we will focus on tips and tricks to slowing down, being present and appreciating the world around us. We will focus on how to bring back the lost connection with ourselves and our surroundings.

What is mindfulness?

Every day, begin by asking yourself, are you mindful or is your mind full?

Mindfulness involves focusing your awareness on the present moment. According to the American Psychological Association mindfulness is awareness of one’s internal states and surroundings. It involves being present in the now, slowing down and actually savoring the joyful and mundane moments of your life.

Being mindful is tough for a lot of us. We are often busy in thinking about the past or the future, stressing about what to do next, how to meet a deadline, when to do our groceries etc etc. Through mindfulness practices we can retrain our minds to be present in the now. By practicing mindful habits in our daily lives, we learn to use meditation and stress reduction exercises to embrace a centered existence.

Here are 10 ways to cultivate mindful habits in your daily life:

1. When you start your day, start it mindfully

This means beginning your day with a few minutes of mindful meditation, stretching and light exercise. This also means, that you don’t wake up and start scrolling on your phone or checking your emails and messages. You are the one that sets the tone for the day. When you begin it mindfully, it sets a calm tone that you can carry forward throughout your day. With a proper tone for the day, you are also more likely to perform better and achieve more.

Here’s a video for you to start your mindful meditation, all you need are just 20 minutes each day:

2. Eat mindfully, each day

This may seem like a very basic thing, but how much do you actually focus on the food you eat? Do you sit down to actually enjoy and savor each bite?  By practicing mindful eating, not only are you able to take control of your eating habits but also be fully attentive towards your food and hence improve your relationship with food. Mindful eating will allow you to recognize your body’s cues, you will know when you are full and not overeat. Similarly, you won’t stress eat or eat because you’re bored. You will learn to develop a healthy relationship with food.

3. Take mindful breaks throughout your day

You might think, this one is a no brainer. But how many times have you been so caught up with work that you forget to take breaks for long stretches of time? In order to avoid stress and anxiety and stay healthy both physically and mentally, we need to take short breaks throughout the day to stretch, be active and focus on your surroundings. This will help you to recharge and focus better. Taking mindful breaks is a great way to re-energize the mind and improve your concentration and overall productivity.

4. Practice the pause

This famous quote by Lori Deschene, an American author is such a great way to practice mindfulness, boost mental health and better your day.

Practice the pause. Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you’re about to react harshly, and you’ll avoid doing and saying things you’ll later regret.

By pausing, reflecting and breathing deeply you can manage your stress and anxiety much more effectively. Pausing helps you calm your nerves, not over react or say something you later wish you hadn’t. By pausing and being more mindful, you give your mind time to re-energize and allow you to find a sense of calm and perspective to each situation or day.

5. Keep your focus

Consciously pay attention to your thoughts. Try to notice when your mind starts to wander, overthink or become negative. When you start to feel negatives feelings or thoughts creeping, consciously focus on the positives. Develop a positivity circuit around you. A positivity circuit means taking out time each day to focus on the positives around you. This practice will help you stay positive and present in the moment.

6. Practice mindful communication

Most of the times when you are in conversations with others, you are just thinking of how you will respond to them. We often don’t actually fully listen to others, rather we are either lost in our thoughts or tune out midway into any conversation. By practicing mindful or active listening, you learn to give your full attention to the other person by listening fully, without interruptions or judgements. By doing so the quality of your conversations will change and you will develop stronger relationships with people around you.

7. Engage in mindful movement each day

Your body needs movement and exercise. In a world where electronics rule, you need to form a habit to disconnect, incorporate movement and slow down. Mindfulness of the body and mind help you create a sense of calm and grounding that increases your ability to concentrate and de-stress.  By incorporating movement practices like yoga, tai chi, stretching or walking meditation into your daily routine you are able to cultivate a sense of calm and awareness. Through mindful movement you are able to create a healthy body, develop a growth mindset, build emotional resilience and self-awareness.

8. Practice gratitude

Learn to practice gratitude several times a day. When you practice gratitude, you have a better outlook on life which also improves your mental health. Each day reflect on the things you are grateful for. By doing so you cultivate a sense of appreciation and positivity into your life. Increased gratitude results in a better self-image, lowered levels of anxiety and increased health and well-being.

9. Re-connect with nature

Nothing is better than walking in nature and appreciating its energy, sounds, smells and beauty. Learn to spend time in nature without the constant connection with the digital world. Step back and disconnect from devices and just learn to take a walk, go hiking or just appreciate the beauty around you. By spending your time in nature, you create an intention of being fully present and letting your senses take it all in.

10. Practice self-compassion

Turn understanding, acceptance and love inwards. Learn to be kind to yourself. Don’t be hard on yourself and find a healthy balance between self- acceptance and working towards self- improvement. The more you are able to look at your mistakes and shortcomings with kindness and understanding, the better your well-being will be. You will experience more optimism and happiness and less anxiety and depression. So cut yourself some slack and remember: “Whatever you believe about yourself on the inside is what you will manifest on the outside.

These 10 ways to cultivate mindful habits in your daily life can help you reduce stress, increase mental clarity and improve your overall well-being.

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