Motivation and Gratitude

10 Steps to Practicing Gratitude Everyday

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around”

– Willie Nelson

Being thankful and appreciative for all the things in life is not just life-affirming but also extremely beneficial to your health and well-being. Sometimes gratitude comes to us naturally and many people are more prone than others when it comes to practicing gratitude. However, it is also something we can cultivate into our daily lives and practice more often. Here are 10 simple ways to practice gratitude everyday and reap the many benefits that come with it including greater happiness, mindfulness, empathy, optimism, and positive energy.

1.Meditate Everyday

Sit in a quiet space everyday and focus on the things you are grateful for in life. Close your eyes and breathe in positive emotions and breathe out any worries and negative thoughts. Focus on all the good things you have in life and silently thank them for being part of your life. Make it a point to acknowledge the things that make you grateful each day.

2.Focus on You, Don’t Compare

It’s a well-known fact that we all compare ourselves to others. Sometimes we compare ourselves with others at work, other times in our personal lives. But whatever the situation, comparing oneself to others is likely to cause negative feelings. Each and every person is unique, and each of us has a unique journey. Start focusing on your own unique journey and the path you’re on. Embrace it. Be thankful for all you have and give thanks to the things around you. Positive energy attracts positive thoughts. Once you commit yourself to gratitude its almost impossible to feel any negative emotions or thoughts.

3. Start a Gratitude Journal

There’s power in writing down all the things you are thankful for each day. Make it a practice to wake up and keep track of the things you are thankful for. Journaling has always been associated with mental health benefits. A gratitude journal is definitely something that attracts more positivity into your life. Give thanks for even the smallest of things, a good cup of coffee in the morning, a peaceful night’s sleep or good weather. Giving thanks is good for your mental health.

4. Less Worrying, More Living

As adults, we often forget to live in the NOW. We become so engrossed in the worries of what the future holds or what happened in the past that we forget to enjoy the moment. Be mindful of your everyday. Enjoy it to the max and be present to appreciate it. Don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. By living in the moment, you’ll be more happier and more present for yourself and your loved ones.

5. Say ‘Thank You’ to You

Practicing gratitude also means being grateful towards yourself as well. Show thankfulness to your body and mind. Indulge in self-care. Look at yourself in the mirror and affirm all the positive things you have and all the things you bring to the table. Write a thank you note to yourself. All these things can help you change the way you see yourself and improve your mental and physical well-being.

6. Create a Gratitude Ritual

More often than not we are so busy in the day to day of things we forget to acknowledge or say thanks for the things we have or for what someone does for us. Introducing a gratitude ritual into your daily routine can truly transform your self-image, your relationships, and your outlook on life. Make it a practice to pause for a few moments each day, appreciate and give thanks to them. This will help you develop a greater sense of gratitude in your daily life.

7. Try to go Complaint Free

By getting your mind to adopt a more positive outlook on life and refraining from constantly complaining you are able to set a more positive attitude in your day to day life. It’s easy to complain without even realizing it, but complaining drains your energy and causes you to constantly be in a bad mood. Unknowingly you start focusing only on the negatives around you. By adjusting your attitude and being grateful for the things you have multiplies your sense of happiness and thankfulness.

8. Celebrate Small and Big Wins

Savour your success. Be it something small like cooking a delicious meal or something big like winning a big account at work. Nothing should go unnoticed. Every single win should be acknowledged and celebrated.

9. Adopt an Abundance Mindset

Look at your life through grateful eyes and always focus on what you have and be grateful for it, do not think about what you don’t have. By incorporating this abundance mindset into your life routinely you automatically bring your attention to what you are grateful for, and attract more bounty in your life.

10. Practice Random Acts of Kindness

Perform random acts of kindness, big or small. Do what you can in your capacity and watch the world transform around you. By performing random acts of kindness like, paying someone’s parking fee, feeding a stray animal, taking out the trash for a friend you instantly get a happiness boost and increases your sense of well-being as well. Acts of kindness help you feel more connected to others and heightens your sense of good fortune as well.

Always remember:

“Genuine gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to invite more goodness into our lives. It’s as if you’re saying to the universe, please bring me more of this.”

– Deepak Chopra