Motivation and Gratitude

15 Daily Affirmations to Keep You Feeling Positive All April Long

This April let’s make it a point to shift our mindsets and focus on the positive. It’s easy to get stuck in negative thoughts or focus on worst case scenarios but by using positive affirmations you can create more health, well-being and love in your life. By practicing self-affirmations daily you can rewire your mind towards adopting empowering beliefs, habits, and thought patterns and there is actual science behind the power of affirmations.  Not only so they make us feel better about ourselves and our lives but also shift our minds ways that we continue to have positive thoughts throughout our days.

Here are some steps for you to start off with your affirmations:

Firstly, remember your affirmations should be in the present tense, not the past or future.

Secondly, use only positive words.

Thirdly, speak your affirmation confidently. Truly believe in it.

And lastly, try to speak your affirmations daily and multiple times. The more you say them, the more you attract positivity and the more you can reap the full benefits of affirmations.

Here are 15 daily affirmations for April to incorporate into your daily routine to reinforce positive beliefs and thought patterns in your mind and in your life.

  1. I find joy and pleasure in the simplest things in life.
  2. I can tap into a wellspring of inner happiness anytime I wish.
  3. Life is full of love, and I find it everywhere I go.
  4. I have the power to accomplish anything I need to do today.
  5. I create opportunity and happiness everywhere I go.
  6. Success is my natural state.
  7. I am self-reliant, creative and persistent in whatever I do.
  8. I always attract positive people into my life.
  9. My job brings me financial abundance.
  10. I give myself permission to be myself.
  11. My inner wisdom is my best guide.
  12. I fill my mind with positive and nourishing thoughts.
  13. I make healthy choices daily.
  14. The universe always has my back.
  15. I dream, I believe, I receive.